Maintenaning Your Air Conditioner

Proper Air Conditioner maintenance is necessary to keep your system running at peak performance and extend its life.

Posted by John Builds on March 17th, 2020 in HVAC Maintenance

Maintenaning Your Air Conditioner

Maintenaning Your Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is necessary for a home's central air conditioning system to last as long as possible. Caring for your unit correctly will extend its life and keep energy costs down.

To keep your central air conditioner system in top-performing condition, follow these tips:

- Check all the hoses for leaks at least twice a year before you turn on your unit for the summer season and just before you turn it off for the winter. Make sure the condensate line is draining freely. By checking this, you can catch any problems before they become too severe for repair.

- Keep the outside compressor as clean as possible. Keep it clear of tall grass and shrubs. Plantings should be at least one foot away from the unit for adequate airflow.

- Change the air filter monthly, particularly during the summer, when dust and allergens circulate.

- Vacuum registers and air vents regularly.

- Sealing ducts will save energy and money all year round. Use mastic or sealer rather than ugly duct tape, drying out and peels off over time.

- Has the ductwork been professionally cleaned every few years? This maintenance can extend the life of your air conditioner.

- During winter, keep the compressor covered, protecting it from cold weather and harsh conditions such as snow and sleet.

- Be sure to keep furniture and drapes away from the registers.

- Raise your thermostat, and each degree of temperature can represent up to 9% savings in cooling costs.

- Keep the unit fan on "AUTO." It is unnecessary to run the fan continuously when the air conditioner is not operating.

- When working around your air conditioner, shut the power off before you start.

Also essential is to have your entire air conditioning system inspected by a professional service technician. A professional can measure the refrigerant to see if it needs recharging and measure the airflow over the cooling coils. They will also clean and inspect the motor, compressor, air handler, ducts, coils, and air filter. An annual tune-up can reduce your cooling costs by five percent.

Air conditioner maintenance is essential to keep your unit running properly and help save energy costs for many years!

Related Listing:

Economy Furnace Company

Economy Furnace Company is a BPI-certified HVAC contractor headquartered in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, which has been in business since 1960.


About The Author:

John Builds

John Builds

John writes about home improvement.

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