Special Offers Ads

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About Special Offer Ads

Special offers can include promotional items, like discount coupons, equipment or product for sale. Each offer can display a title, description, price, offer expiration date and pictures. It also links to where the promotional item can view and/or purchased.

Some examples include:

  • A tool company may post "Special Sale" to promote an overstock item they have for sale.
  • A contractor may post a "Special Limited Time Offer" for a specific service they provide.
  • An organization may post a "Special Announcement" for an upcoming trade show or membership drive.
  • add special offers here

    Special Offer Ads

    Add "Promotional Offers" with your Advertiser Plan listing.
    Promotional Offers like discount coupons, equipment or product for sale.
    Each offer can include title, description, price, offer expiration date, and pictures.
    It also links to where to view and/or purchase your promotional item.
    Login and add your Promotional Offers today!